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How We Spend Our Donations
Donations are accepted at any time, from any one.
Sponsorships can be discussed for further recognition.
Donations from Celebrate MiLIFE Events:
2017 -> 100% of funds went to AFSP
2018 -> 100% of funds went to Beaumont Teen Health Center
2019 & on -> 100% of funds come to Celebrate MiLIFE
As a nonprofit organization looking to make a difference, we promise to:
never take more than 30% of revenue for staff salary/compensation.
u​se up to 20% of revenue for running pop-up and annual events.
all remaining revenue will be used to fulfill our goals and help others find healthier alternatives for coping with life.
Feel free to contact us with any questions:
Now that you know where our donations go, and you would like to make a donation, Please
Click Here ->
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